We are Sylvana and Loes, creators of Kleine Schobbejak. (schobbejak is Dutch for rascal, but 'jakje' also means 'little coat')
When we noticed that we missed cute children's clothes in line with our ideas we decided to get to work ourselves. We want to make children's clothes that fit in with the perception of children. A coat should not be too tight on you, because that is not comfortable at all when you climb a tree! We would like to see all of it a little more playful.
We are inspired by the school both our children attend (Waldorf education) and the fantastic books published by Christofoor (The story of the rootchildren for example).
Over the years we have built up a considerable treasure of recycle finds that now, together with cloth bought new form the basis of our 'Schobbejakjes'. We use natural materials such as wool and cotton as much as possible, although sometimes we come across retro prints that are not 100% natural, but simply too gorgeous to ignore.
Every picture of a jacket is accompanied by information about what kind of cloth we have used for it.
The buttons of the coats are natural. We make the buttons of the spring and autumn coats ourselves of the wood of fruit trees. After the sawing and sanding work we treat them with beeswax.
We started Kleine Schobbejak with those spring and autumn coats but soon expanded with hats and vests. With every item we make we learn, see new possibilities and get new ideas. Doing what we love makes it possible to get more inspired every day.
We hope you will enjoy our products just as much as we loved making them!